

Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark

Geopark and Science Popularization Education

High-level science popularization education base:

Relying on the geological resources and location advantages of Qinling Mountains, the geopark has been granted the titles of “National Nature Education and Science Popularization Base”, “Shaanxi Primary and Secondary Education and Research Base”, “Shaanxi Nature Education Base”, “Xi'an Science Popularization Education Base”. At present, various research bases and research projects at all levels have been built in the Qinling area, integrating science popularization education, research-in-travel tours, forest exploration, leisure, and parent-child activities. Up to now, nearly one million teenagers and children from major cities in China, as well as Germany, France, South Korea and Singapore have carried out research-in-travel tours, summer camps and other activities here.

Qinling International Juvenile Geoscience Campsite

Science popularization infrastructure system:

Science popularization venues cover the needs of various scenes in the geopark. It includes Qinling Zhongnanshan Global Geopark Museum, Qinling International Juvenile Geoscience Campsite Museum, Lantian Ape Man Site Museum, Heihe Science Popularization Information Station, Qinling International Juvenile Geoscience Campsite and Qinling Nature School. The complete science popularization venue system is conducive to displaying geo-knowledge and information in multiple dimensions, carrying out geoscience popularization activities in multiple directions, and providing a good place for improving the quality of science popularization.

Qinling Zhongnanshan Global Geopark Museum

Heihe Science Popularization Information Station

Popular science training for staff:

Formulate and implement "Staff general work standards" and "Assessment and scoring standards", and regularly carry out staff science training and science commentator assessment. Exchange with some cooperative organizations on the theme of science popularization training. The geopark has set up a special research-in-travel education team for primary and secondary school students to strengthen theoretical and practical training for full-time staff involved in research-in-travel. Send staff to participate in the Northwest forest health therapist training course to improve the organization's ability to forest research activities. In cooperation with the WWF, the geopark has held training seminars for Qinling forest guides and forest experience volunteers and trained more than 20 forest tour guides.

Nature Science Tutor’s Training

Outstanding scientific research achievements:

Continue to sort out, enrich and update guide presentation as a long-term internal training method for popular science guide, and have completed a total of 30,000 words and 5 versions of intelligent guide popular science guide presentation;

He Tianhu, an official of the WWF, Dr. Liu Jian, deputy editor of the Geography Department of People's Education Press, cultural scholar Wang Anquan, professors of geology and botany from cooperated universities, and doctors in hospital first aid stations are part-time tutors;

Set up committees for the compilation of geoscience books, tourism and culture books, and invite professors of geology, professors of social sciences, and well-known scholars and writers to compile books. At present, the published books include Exploring the Qinling Zhongnanshan Global Geopark, The Past and Present of Rocks and Stones in the Qinling Zhongnanshan Global Geopark, Natural Landscape in the Cuihua Mountain, Geological and Geomorphologic Overview in the Cuihua Mountain, Guidebook for Forest Tour Guide, Nature Education Activity Manual, Qinling Nature School Illustration Booklet, Eco-Tourism and Public Education, 100 Questions on Wild Giant Panda Protection and so on.

"Protecting the Home of Pandas"

Rich research and popular science activities:

At present, the geopark has formed a research-in-travel network of geoscience popularization, forest, camp, skiing experience and going-into-campus. For example, under the guidance of the WWF, with the theme of "Forest, water and the art of nature", primary and secondary school students are organized to carry out nature experience activities and " Study Tours of Ancient History and Culture". In cooperation with research-in-travel tourism institutions and travel agencies in Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xi 'an and other cities, the "Popular Science Tourists into the Qinling Mountains" research-in-travel activities were carried out. Up to now, nearly one million teenagers and children from major cities in China, as well as Germany, France, South Korea and Singapore have carried out research-in-travel tours, summer camps and other activities here.

“Amazing Qinling” Research-in Travel Program

Science Popularization Going-into-Campus

Science Popularization Going-into-Communities, Campus and Enterprise

The themes of the landslide research-in-travel route include "exploring geology on Cuihua Mountain, seeking culture in Qinling Mountain" and "Climbing Qinling Mountain, appreciating geological changes". It aims to enable primary and secondary school students to broaden their knowledge and enhance their awareness of ecological protection and the concept of ecological civilization. Through participating in a series of activities, students can immerse themselves in the geopark, understand and appreciate nature, participate in the hand-made leaf paintings, stone paintings and animal models, depict the beauty of the Qinling Mountains, learn the ecological value and ecological culture of the Qinling Mountains, and learn the ability to survive in the wild.

There are four forest research-in-travel routes: Huligou Forest Health Trail, Angou Forest Health Trail, Liantaishan Forest Health Trail, and Dashugou Forest Health Trail. Along the way, there are lounges, relaxation pavilions, rest corridors, teaching platforms, viewing platforms and other facilities. Around Qinling Nature School, there are hotel, restaurant, convenience store, parking lot, Eco-friendly public toilet, clinic, monitoring room and other facilities.