The yearly research in travel of QinlingZhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark starts in April this year. According tostatistics, about 800 to 1,500 people will come to the geopark to hold researchin travel activity every day. Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Glob
On April 2nd 2019, “Blooming Redbuds, Meeting Taiping”- the 15th Taiping RedbudFestival & Qinling Tourism Culture Festival was grandly launched in TaipingPark of Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark.Accordingto the 2019 spring tourism and cultu…
Instructorsof Qinling International Juvenile Campsite gave lectures about nature andQinling to students from several schools in Huyi District. It aimed to helpstudents increase the awareness and responsibility of protecting ecology andenvironment and to f
Instructorsof Qinling International Juvenile Campsite gave lectures about nature andQinling to students from several schools in Huyi District. It aimed to helpstudents increase the awareness and responsibility of protecting ecology andenvironment and to f
Aseries of Ecology-protecting Day activities including “Caring About Qinling”and “I Have A Date With Qinling” were held in the core scenic area of QinlingZhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark by the Geopark, Xi’an Evening News, SanqinDaily and Cofco Coca…
On March 5th, QinlingZhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark invited Geoparker (Wuhan University) andShaanxi Shanhe Company to visit the core scenic area. They did a field researchand had an in-depth discussion on the exposure of the geopark, means of sciencep
2018 China Travel Destinations RankingList (Shaanxi Province) was finally announced on Dec. 26 2018. Five geoparks ofQinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark were honored with the Most PopularResearch-Learn-Travel Destination, the Most Popular Intellige
Recently, Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark Tourism Development Limited Company held competition of interpreters to improve the guide’s level to offer high quality service for tourist, and more than 100 staff attended the competition. 14 competit
Heilongjiang Mohe National Geopark pays a visit to Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark in Dec. 11, including Chang Bin, deputy mayor of city Mohe and Shi Houliang, director general of Mohe National Geopark. At first, the representatives of geoparks
From Nov. 18 toNov. 21 2018, the workshop themed at the application of space technology ingeopark monitoring was held in Guanzhishan National Geopark in LianchengCounty, Fujian Province. A delegate on behalf of Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCOGlobal Geopark at
In late August 2018, Qinling ZhongnanshanUNESCO Global Geopark carried out an inspection of the geopark for one month tocomprehensively implement the instructions on protecting Qinling given by GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping.In order to carry out the inspect
Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global GeoparkManagement Office organized the review meetings on Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCOGlobal Geopark signage system construction project and Zhuque museumconstruction completion acceptance projcet. Expert panel reached co
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